Quick & Easy way to
Lose Weight With Only
5 Ingredients Per Recipe

That's right! You too can experience this with just 5 ingredients per recipe,
15 minutes of preparation time and eating your favourite carbs, all in one sentence?


You can actually have a nice meal (including breakfast, lunch, dinner & dessert) and lose weight...

If you are confused, overwhelmed and stuck on what meals to make in order to lose weight, you've come to the right place!


Weight loss is a game 99% of people lose.
But you are different from everyone else...

I know the pain when it comes to weight loss. I’ve tried every diet known to man, Low carb, paleo, vegan and even the dreaded juice diet!

At first, all these diets worked really well, but then after a while, the results would just stop - then to make it worse, out of nowhere, the weight would start coming back on! Even though I’d be eating even less and doing more exercise, I would be putting on body fat again! How does that happen when you are supposed to be on a diet and doing all the right things?

Then the second or third month comes around, and nothing changes.

Your body looks the same, your weight is pretty much the same, but the thing that’s changed is your heart sinks. Why is this happening to you AGAIN! You thought now, for once, I’m on the right path. I’m following the experts on social media, and I’ve read the books. This has to work..

But it’s not…

But hang on for a second...

I have been here guys and I just want to grab you by the shoulders and tell you it’s ok to:

  • Feel frustrated
  • Feel cheated
  • Feel really angry
  • And feel like throwing in the towel!

Please don’t give up yet, as I have something important I want to share with you…

I believe I know what your problem is, and it’s the same one I’ve had and so many other people..

We all don’t know what to eat and when!

That’s right, it's that simple that I can’t believe I’m writing it but it’s true.

We may all be on a particular eating plan, but are we eating accordingly, and within the range that we should be, in order to enhance our weight loss results? Are we making sure that the right portions are being met, and that we are having a wide range of nutritional variation, that we can track?

And that’s why you’re here...


“ Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” 


Here is a sneak peek at what you can expect in your recipe collection

Disclaimer: We will not be held responsible for dribble coming from your mouth and straight on the computer keyboard or mobile device..

Who needs a cafe when you can make these gorgeous breakfasts?

And let's not forget about lazy lunches.. (leftovers are your best friend)

Be COVID safe and dine in at home with deliciousness on your table

What kind of life would it be without dessert?! (yep, it's included!)

Here is what your 5 ingredient recipe pack contains...

All the hard work is done for you with this recipe pack. It's so convenient and easy, that if you had only found it sooner, those body composition goals would be done and dusted for you. Make up for lost time right now. Check out what this recipe collection can do for you.


Know what you're eating
(no guessing)

Sometimes planning out your own meals, making shopping lists and then tracking your macros is extremely overwhelming. Well, with this meal plan, that’s all done for you. We take the guesswork out of finding a meal you want to eat. There are so many to choose from.


Track macros on My Fitness Pal

We supply bar codes for all our meals, which can be easily integrated into my fitness pal. Track all of your meals easily, efficiently and without any challenges.


Weekly meal & shopping planner

We have a fillable form you can use to always fill in your weekly shopping list of ingredients and have it handy on your tablet or mobile, to tick off as you put in the shopping basket. Having a list helps so much, especially when you are tired and worn out from work. Let the recipe planner do the work and thinking for you.


Delicious and easy to make meals

We have plenty of options for your meal planning. It’s never all chicken breast with broccoli. These meals are so delicious, you may not even want to change It up!


Perfect for the whole family

These meals are absolutely perfect for the whole family. I've trialled everything on my teenager and she's absolutely loving the different foods & flavour smorgasbord. It's dieting without the diet!


Now it's time for your bonuses!

Everyone LOVES a few bonuses, and I’ve got 3 that will help you create the best possible fat loss experience.

BONUS # 1 Macronutrient cheat sheet

Get the most out of your nutrition by really understanding what all the macronutrients are, and understanding which category they belong in.

FREE! Value $25


Meal prep guide

Preparing meals doesn’t have to be challenging, especially when you have this cheat sheet handy. It will tell you how much to eat (portion-wise) the food group breakdowns, and even an extra 3 FREE recipes to add to your collection.

FREE! Value $39



Healthy habits cheat sheet

Finally, get the lowdown on how to create and stick with healthy habits for life. This is an essential part of eating healthy, weight loss and leading your best life possible.

FREE! Value $20

Here are what some clients rave reviews about their weight loss and body reshaping progression...

From Anna Holly Miners

From Betty Sinos

100% Satisfaction guarantee for
30 days

To prove that this is such a great buy and that we value your time and money spent on this product, we would like to offer you a 100% satisfaction guarantee on this.

We know it will help you along your fasting journey to fat loss, that we’re willing to give you back the small amount you’ve invested in this program. We’ve filled it with so much value, and believe it’s going to give you even more for you than you think right now.

Meet Ange.

Ange is a weight loss, strength and conditioning coach, who has a long list of credentials spanning over 10 years. She has been cooking meals since age 8, since chemicals and processed foods made her ill. This has provided her with many years of nutrition experience for gut health, allergies, fat loss and building your dream body. Weight training is her passion, as is meditation and long walks with her toy poodle. She loves cooking the recipes she features and showing everyone just how simple, easy and effortless healthy eating can be for the whole family.

She lives with her teenage daughter, fur boy and loves hitting the heavy metal in the gym. She also has a passion for online marketing, sales and creative design.


We've got A's for your Q's

Are these recipes hard to make & take a lot of time?

No way, these are so simple and easy, you won’t believe it. You could easily create your meal prep in a couple of hours, with the help of these recipes

What kind of ingredients are in these recipes - I’m fussy?

All recipes contain simple, ingredients to cater to your taste bud needs, and also keeping budget in mind. The good news is you can always eliminate or swap something that’s not your thing.

I can’t cook to save myself,
how can I use this recipe pack?

To be honest, you don’t even have to know how to cook! These recipes are so easy to make, with minimal fuss, you won’t believe what an expert you’ll become, and change your body shape as a result.

I have a family to cook for, are they able to eat these recipes, even though they are for fat loss?

Absolutely! They can be enjoyed by anyone, young or old. You don’t even have to tell them they are healthy!

50% Complete

Limited time offer
Normally $97

WAS $29.00 now $10 off for Valentines Day!


• Instant download to your devices

• Free meal prep guide

• Free Macro cheat sheet

• Free healthy habits maker cheat sheet

• 20 delicious, healthy and nutritious fat loss recipes

• Meal preparation schedule

• Myfitnesspal integration

I can't wait for you to try this recipe pack.

I’m so proud of this recipe pack, and I’ve taken the time to go through the recipes, to cook, eat (oh yum) and experiment with my family (including my teenage daughter) and I can safely say, these recipes rock! I do hope you will take advantage of this special price right now, and give it a try to see how much success you can experience with this as well.